Sexual Violence And Abuse Awareness Week

This week the 3rd to 9th February is Sexual Violence and Abuse Awareness week.

This is a sector that the Take Action Counsellors also work in as part of the  Into The Light Counselling and Support For Survivors Project . This is a week to focus everyone to stand with Survivors and raise awareness about the distressing prevalence of sexual abuse in our society; as well as to emphasis the need for services that support Survivors in their healing journey.

This campaign week was founded by Yehudis Goldsobel and we want to really give a shout out to Yehudis for her tireless work for Survivors. Amongst her many achievements as well as founding Sexual Violence Awareness week she founded and ran a Service for Jewish Survivors for many years and has advocated for Survivors in many different capacities.

She has worked incredibly hard and extremely sacrificially, campaigning for Survivors to receive the support they deserve. Yehudis you are an inspiration.
#itsnotok #sexualviolenceandabuseawarenessweek