Rebecca Mitchell

Let’s Re-Connect With Our Body

If we have experienced a negative sexual experience either recently or in the past, we can feel very confused about how we feel about our bodies – possibly loosing contact with that part of ourselves altogether.  Or even experience a strong dislike towards our bodies and physical selves. For sexual […]

I Want Love He Wants Sex!

The time old problem of a woman writing into the Guardian’s advice column who wants her husband to be more loving and then she will want more sex, and the husband who says he will be more loving if he has more sex:   Pamela Stephenson Conolly gives this wise reply: […]

Did You Know Dating Is A New Concept!

Interestingly dating is a relatively modern concept. In the past you did not choose a date you  “courted” to find someone who would be financially viable for you. Nichi Hodgson, author of The Curious History of Dating, explains that up until 1870, “women couldn’t keep property or money or goods […]

What Are Healthy Relationships? 

Here Are Some Clues: Love is a choice!  You can’t make someone love you or want to be your friend or partner.  However there are some ideas you could consider when thinking about your relationships and friendships: Healthy relationships are sacrificial Even if a cost is involved. For instance if […]